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Author of The Supplier, Vacation, The End of September series, Penny's Song and Harley's Eclipse
Paula Chapman
Hey! Want to read a juicy story about life? Well The Supplier is the one! It peaks (sic) your interest and holds it captive throughout the entire book. The characters became vivid and life-like to me and I was able to picture them as if I knew who they were. The Supplier should be turned into a Lifetime movie. All in all it was an awesomely entertaining story even though the ending was sad. I'm glad I read it-twice!
I finished the book about a month ago. It was great- the more I read the more it was exciting-got to really know the characters-good story too-sad ending-yeah life can be very ironic!
not your typical romance novel. sometimes boy and girl don't get to stay together. this story is real, not trashy, a "thinking person's" read...highly recommend. enjoyable, tough to put down...warning, some adult content and also very sad ending...but kind and introspective.
Bookworm, Karen M, and Writer, Amazon
I truly enjoyed Vacation. It is a non fiction account of the author's travels for the past 15 or so years. Even though I don't know her it is a very good read, very engaging. Inspires us to travel, even though not too far from home!
This book was informative and a good vacation read! I enjoyed the excerpts about Paula traveling with her family as well as the photos.
Penny’s Song is a delightful dive into the vibrant music culture of the early 1970s. The story centers around a young woman on the cusp of a new life. Pregnant and full of a hopeful new beginning for her and her baby, she meets a man who will change her life profoundly. I was so swept away by this book and the way it was portrayed. It captured all the emotions for me and refined them down with such exquisite beauty. Full of love, laughter and music, heartbreak and tragedy. The author so eloquently crafts a story that will stick with you long after the last song is over. This is a book I could read again and again.
---Jennifer Leigh Pezzano
I love your lyrical writing, so fitting for a story about a music man and a young woman who loves music. I just know this story will be a hit...powerfully heartbreaking. Tissues a necessity.
---Hannah Sharpe
I will just reiterate that I love this book so much—the parts of it I know—and can’t wait for it to be in the world.
---Stefani Nellen
Writer, CCH, Amazon

Paula Chapman’s always loved writing. Her first job out of college was with Holt, Rinehart and Winston/CBS Publishing in New York City, where the president of the company approached to introduce himself to her just as she’d taken a bite of danish. These things stick with you, literally.
Paula is a freelance writer/editor and technical writer. Her favorite job was as an entertainment reporter and columnist. Paula penned two prescriptive nonfiction educational and business books and was an agent/business manager in the music and nonprofit fields.
In her quest to be a professional author, Paula joined WFWA and Pitch to Published. She has attended multiple Writing Day Workshops and uses social media to meet and engage with other writers, beta readers, and critique partners.
Paula has published two books, VACATION, a nonfiction account of her travels from the nineties through 2013, and THE SUPPLIER, a novel about a woman’s struggle with fertility and love. She has written a three-part police suspense novel series, THE END OF SEPTEMBER, a quotations book, and numerous short stories, comedy routines, lyrics, and a TV sitcom script based on real events in an unemployment office, FRONT DESK--Think MASH meets The Office.
Life had other plans for her, and Paula adopted two wonderful children. She’s recently turned to writing fiction full-time.
• PENNY’S SONG, based in 1970, is the story of a young, pregnant, music aficionado, Penny Herrick, who flees her domineering parents to find sanctuary in Greenwich Village, where she can start a new life and raise her baby among community. When she meets a kind busker, Randy Wilton, who takes her in when she becomes homeless, her views on life and love change in ways she'd never imagined, for better...and for worse.
• PENNY’S NEW SONG—Penny’s continuing story as a music agent in Los Angeles with Randy Wilton, their daughter, Harmony, bassist Ray Brown (her new love interest), his daughter Zophie, and a new band of talented but quirky musicians.
• HARLEY'S ECLIPSE—Valerie Buckner, a “drag king” employment counselor with ADHD and a terminal cancer diagnosis was recently widowed by suicide. She’s raising two kids for whom she seeks a new family in an unfamiliar cousin clear across the country, while she uncovers the reasons underlying her husband’s death.
• WHY NASHVILLE WHY—A m/m romance featuring Knill Santino who moves from rural New York State to Nashville just after 911 in pursuit of fame and lifestyle freedom who meets a potential love interest. Too bad he's his rival—and a jerk.
Paula holds a bachelor’s in Communications and a master’s in Human Resources. She is a recovering shopaholic who enjoys music (surprise!) and playing the drums, hiking, camping, travel, and home improvement.
Paula grew up in Manhattan's Greenwich Village but currently resides in central New York. Her family includes her husband, children Rich, Alice, Logan, and Reese. Their family is rounded out with their handsome Labradoodle, Jimmy, who was born on Paula’s bed, chowhound Black Lab rescue, Belle, and newbie Lindy, a Jack Russell terror (oops, I mean terrier!).
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